
Two guys who love beer walked into a bar…

We are Justin Lettin and Sean-Patrick Burke. In 2007, we had our first beer together. Then we had a few more. Over the years, beer became very important to us. Drinking beer at local breweries turned into a weekly occurrence, and although Justin had been homebrewing in college (like pretty much everyone else), we decided to team up and do some brewing together.

We found “The Rack” on Craigslist—thousands of dollars’ worth of brewing equipment that belonged to a guy who tried to start a brewery in the ‘90s—and bought it for $400 so we could more aggressively brew. Fast forward to 2014, when we had a brilliant idea: let’s rent a killer spot in Redondo Beach, upgrade our brewing equipment, work on our recipes, and ultimately get a little more serious about brewing. At first, we only donated our beer to friends and local charities, but after a lot of positive feedback, and some negative, we decided to go pro.

We became Extralegal. We only sort of break the rules. The rest is history…

The beer

Our beer is approachable, it’s grassroots, and it’s really really good. Just ask us.

Our staples are tried and true. People like them.
Our seasonals rotate based on the weather and our mood.
Our experimentals are…experimental. We like them, but they don’t deserve a name yet. Tell us what you think, but we may ignore you.

Our brewing philosophy

We are fiercely independent. We don’t have investors or consultants—we are self-funded and we learn as we go. We don’t want to reinvent the beer wheel. Our goal is to turn our hobby into a self-sustaining business and contribute to our thriving local beer scene.

We have a lot of fun, and we make some pretty damn good beer while we’re at it.